
90 Frame

  Product Description

steel prefabricated bridge

similarly like

compact 100, 200

it is assembled by each 3m panel.

invented by Donald Bailey

steel prefabricated bridge
Steel Bailey bridge is similarly like compact 100,compact 200 International bridge.
it is assembled by each 3m panel, and invented by Donald Bailey.

The compact 100 panel bridge can be easily dissembled and rapidly erected. The whole bridge is made by high-tensile strength steel. Main beam is light weight panels and the panels are connected by panel connection pins. 

 It is easy to assemble or disassemble and transport. It can also be assembled into different forms of panel bridges according to their span length and transportation requirement. So, it has been widely applied as emergency transportation, temprary or permanent bridge.

Its suitable load design is such like HS-15, HS-20, HS-25 and pedrail-50 etc. equivalent.

The compact 200 panel bridge is similar to the compact 100 panel bridge from their appearance. The only difference is the panel height of 2.134m. So, its performance has been highly improved. in addition, there are two-lane structures available, with width of 7.56m, which broden its usage

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